云上岭南 | 佛山顺德乐从:龙翔潜海,乘风破浪

发布时间:2023-05-31 15:03

【大美广东】The Lecong Dragon Boat Team plows the waves!

大美岭南 | 佛山顺德乐从:龙翔潜海 乘风破浪

Every assembly of Lecong dragon boats is a grand event. People gather on the riverbanks and look for the best observation points to see the floating boats. The river suddenly becomes lively as the crowd shouts and cheers for the boatmen. Amid the rhythmic sound of drums and the blowing of the horn, the dragon boats glide like arrows over the water, passing through the river outside the Chen Clan Academy.The gray tiles of the ancestral hall of the academy have witnessed a century of wind and rain in Lecong, while the statue on the roof still watches the dragon boat races just like in the past.



