云上岭南 | 让香港市民热血沸腾的这项活动,重新回归!

发布时间:2023-04-19 11:48

【云上岭南】The Cheung Chau Bun Festival is back in Hong Kong!


The Bun Festival in Cheung Chau, Hong Kong, is back! Putting an end to a three-year hiatus, the festival was launched on April 16. The most compelling bun scrambling competition will be held during the festival, one of the national intangible cultural heritage projects in Hong Kong.

The bun tower is 14.42 meters high with a steel frame and is decorated with bamboo pieces without support on the outside according to traditional customs. Thousands of artificial buns will be hung up during the official competition. Many competitors have trained to race up a tower of buns to snatch as many as possible. The popular Bun Festival features a series of activities, and draws more than 10,000 participants, as well as thousands of visitors from home and abroad. 



