云上岭南 | 石门油菜花田下,绿美广州生态佳

发布时间:2023-03-25 11:44

【大美广东】Exquisite rapeseed flowers bloom in Shimen!


#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong On March 21, the "21 Cities Work Together to Build a Green and Beautiful Guangdong" event was held in Shimen National Forest Park in Guangzhou.

When the misty rain comes during the spring equinox, about 40 acres of rapeseed flowers bloom in the"Heaven LakeFlower Sea". With the breeze blowing, the flowers on the 800-meter-high mountain sway to create golden waves. Many get surprised to discover the crystal clear dewdrops on the yellow petals of the flowers, with the raindrops gently dripping on the petals.

Nothing– be it mist or rain–can stop people from coming close to nature. They immerse themselves in the golden sea of flowers, taking fabulous pictures of spring in Guangzhou.




