云上岭南 | 南北名家巅峰对话“时代温度”,当代中国画名作汇聚广州

发布时间:2023-03-22 15:10

【大美广东】Masterpieces of Contemporary Chinese Paintings on display in Guangzhou


On March 19, the "Temperature of the Times - Contemporary Chinese Painting Academic Invitational Exhibition" opened at the the Guangdong Art Institute.

Alongside many painting maestros, some promising artists, who are considered the backbone of the contemporary painting circle, have taken part in the exhibition. This demonstrates a good artistic ecology of orderly inheritance and prosperous development of contemporary Chinese painting.

The exhibits are rich in themes, diverse in form, and elegant in style, which reflects the development and basic style of contemporary Chinese painting art.

The exhibition has invited a total of 92 artists, including former presidium members of the China Artists Association and members of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Steering Committee, from all over the country. Their masterpieces gathered in Guangzhou to launch an academic and technical summit dialogue on northern and southern art, presenting the thriving and inclusiveness of the literary and artistic circles. 



