云上岭南 | 12米高竹塔上重演“狮王争霸”!西樵山五一醒狮文化节启幕

发布时间:2023-05-05 16:17

【雲上嶺南】Lion Dance Fest in Xiqiao Mountain draws vast crowds


On April 30, the Chinese Lion Dance Festival was celebrated in Xiqiao Mountain, one of China’s top scenic spots in Guangdong. The festival witnessed eight mighty dancing lions nimbly waving, jumping, and doing stunts on a 12-meter-high bamboo tower, making the audience feel they were watching a classic scene of the movie Once Upon a Time in China III. As a hot internet celebrity in Xiqiao Mountain, the festival was replete with applause and awes. It also featured the performances of traditional lions and lions flying on water, bringing real joy to the audience every day. 





8只雄狮威风凛凛,在12米高竹塔上穿梭、跳跃,间或表演高难度动作,让人仿佛置身于电影《黄飞鸿之三:狮王争霸》的经典片段中。4月30日,"樵山狮王 宝塔争霸"西樵山五一醒狮文化节在西樵山风景名胜区拉开帷幕。


文/羊城晚报全媒体记者 黄松炜 吴泳 通讯员 邱婉滢

图、视频/羊城晚报全媒体记者 黄松炜
