【大美广东】Fifty teenagers experienced the Chaoshan intangible cultural heritage of the coming-of-age ceremony
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The Stepping out of the Garden ceremony is a traditional coming-of-age rite in #Chaoshan, with a long history and local characteristics. In 2018, it was designated as the provincial intangible cultural heritage. On August 5, 2024, the Shantou Stepping out of the #Garden experience activity was held at the #Chaozhou Gymnasium. Fifty teenagers from extramural families including those from Hong Kong, member chambers of commerce in #Shantou, and migrant workers, as well as families of Chaoshan merchants who returned to their hometowns, and local families, participated in the ceremony. Under the witness of their parents and teachers, they performed the rituals of bathing and changing #clothes, serving gratitude tea, jumping over the garden wall, and the traditional bite of the phoenix head gift. Together, they crossed the Garden Gate, experiencing the unique charm of Chaoshan's intangible #cultural heritage.#SplendidLingnan
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