【大美广东】Popped Orange: Combing technology, art with lifestyleand exploring the possibilities without boundaries
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | From August 2 to 5, the 2024 China Digital Entertainment Congress was held in Tianhe District, #Guangzhou. It is the highest-level industry conference in the field of digital #entertainment in China and has permanently settled in Tianhe this year. As an emerging digital entertainment industrial park in Tianhe and a city cultural landmark under the digital trendy brand iFanr, the Popped #Orange has become a vivid practice in exploring the development of Tianhe's digital entertainment industry. The park combines #technology, art, and lifestyle, attracting numerous vibrant and creative digital entertainment companies to settle in. It has become a community exchange space that integrates cafes, bars, bookstores, exhibitions, theaters, and so on, as well as the center for urban carnivals and an innovative platform for #cultural and creative incubation and urban youth communities.#SplendidLingnan
- 多地火葬场疑盗4000尸体“拆骨”转售,75人涉案涉款3.8亿 起底倒卖4000具尸体操控者李宝兴,解剖专家曾获“全国劳动模范” “柯文哲被羁押”恐成陈水扁2.0,吴子嘉断言:民众党完了 咸湿银行经理︱夫妻借钱老婆疑遭性骚扰,老公反被狂殴“变猪头” 巴黎奥运|加撑竿跳女将夺铜牌跳电臀舞,网友:在色情网站上见过她 73岁名导“生出混血儿”?小31岁嫩妻公开认了:孩子不是他的 王金平表态称卢秀燕是好的党主席人选,侯友宜这样看 黄扬明曝“8位数”乔“立法院长”,民进党求偿百万要“蓝营的她”作证 周星驰开直播捞钱吸十万人上线? 相似到难以分别本尊或山寨 欧阳娜娜“短发纯欲浴缸照”曝光,网友惊:这是我能看的吗?